If you’ve been in a car accident, you should follow certain steps to ensure that your rights are protected. This includes calling your insurer as soon as possible and taking a series of photos of the accident scene, including a close-up of any damage to your vehicle, and pictures of any people who may have witnessed it. If you have a dashcam, this footage will also be useful. In addition, you should get the other driver’s full name and contact details as well as their insurance company.

It’s always good to check with your car caraccidentclaimsingapore.com insurer to see if it is okay to take your car to your preferred workshop for repairs. This is because some workshops will unnecessarily increase repair costs to make a quick profit, which could affect your premium. Hence, it’s best to avoid unauthorised workshops altogether, unless your insurer allows you to do so.

You should also report the accident to your car insurer as quickly as possible, which is a requirement under the Motor Claims Framework endorsed by most insurance companies. This is necessary even if you don’t intend to file an insurance claim, as failing to do so may result in a loss of your No Claim Discount (NCD) at your next policy renewal.

To do this, you should go to one of the approved reporting centres or authorised workshops that your insurer has listed on their website. Remember to bring your accident vehicle (regardless of the extent of its damage) and all relevant documents such as your NRIC or driving licence, and the vehicle registration number. You may also be required to provide your police case number, if any.

The workshop will then prepare an estimate for the repair work that is required, which you should receive within two working days. You should check the estimate carefully, especially if you believe that it is too low. If this is the case, you can ask the workshop to rework it or submit an alternative quote to your insurer.

If your car has been severely damaged or if any injuries have occurred, you must seek medical attention immediately. You will also need to inform the police if anyone has been injured. Once you have done this, you can proceed with your car accident claim Singapore.

In many cases, the at-fault party’s insurance company will be responsible for compensating you, but it is important to consult an experienced personal injury lawyer before making any decisions. Your lawyer can help you assess whether the compensation is enough to cover your losses, such as medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering.

If you have any questions about your car accident claim Singapore, you can speak with an expert attorney by requesting a Quick Consult from Vicki Heng Law Corporation. The service is transparent and only costs S$49. The lawyers will call you back in 1-2 days to answer your questions for a flat fee of S$49.